In cafeterias, coffee shops, fast food places, and wherever else the young have claimed as theirs for the moment to sit and discuss the world; sooner or later the subject of what a sorry state it is in will come up. The need for change of how the world is run will be discussed; the end of the world as we know it so that a new world can be born.
In some symbolic traditions Death has a very interesting meaning. That symbolic meaning is change that requires one thing to end for another to begin. In these symbolic systems, Death is one of the few symbols that can always be seen as positive. In these symbolic systems, this type of change is also the one that is met with the most fear and anxiety.
In the Christian Bible, there is one book that is hardest to interpret, fascinating for many, but most frightening in it's imagery to most. This is the book of Revelation. It is filled with destruction, death, and change. It also has the triumphant return of Christ in all of his glory and the promised Kingdom of God on earth.
Every generation looks at the way that the next generation is changing everything they have built and can see the world as they know it ending. Every generation looks at a world they are born into, and envisions a new world they can build. Every generation sees the symbols of Revelation and interprets them in their times to see that the world is ending. Maybe one generation some day, the youth will truly end the world for good. Maybe some day the symbols of Revelation will play out for the final time and there will be no further improvement for the next generation.
For now, every generation tears down some of what has been built before and builds up something new. We work to tear out the darkness in the world and build the City of God on earth. Sometimes we come closer than others. Every generation has change though, every generation tries with greater or lesser success to learn from those before them, every generation has taxes, and every generation dies. Every generation has their Revelation, and for them the world ends as they know it so that they may enter the Kingdom of God.
(Re-posted from a prior blog written by this author under another name. Originally posted on 5/1/2012)
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